In 2019 this new iteration of Koueigiku Sake brewery was established as the passion project of two friends, Satoshi Kusaka and Yuya Tashita who both were involved in the television media industry. Their mutual love and respect for sake started the journey, and after many years, crystalised their shared dream to brew sake in partnership with Master Brewer Katsuaki Yamamoto. They had met Yamamoto when he was brewing the highly regarded Kikutaka brand in Aichi and he inspired them with his style and creative approach to sake brewing.
There were many hurdles and hardships that supervened, but eventually, after substantial investment, extensive renovation, unanticipated natural disasters and sheer grit a new Koueigiku Sake Brewery emerged in the rejuvenated shell of a defunct brewery which had closed in Saga in 2006. The name of the former brewery was preserved, with the permission of the previous owners, and Koueigiku was one of the first sake breweries in decades to attain a new brewing license carving out a new, exciting and distinct path in the Japanese sake scene.