This is a special range of Nichi Nichi Akitsu Yamadanishiki produced during the second brewing season of production. A small number of bottles, from a tank selected as the best for ageing, were retained and stored in low temperature conditions for a further year to allow integration and the flavour synergy that comes with extended maturation.
Released by Nichi Nichi in the 3rd brewing season as a limited edition and named the Library Selection to reference being “kept on the shelf” by Matsumoto Tōji to watch the development of the sake. This sake is an opportunity to taste the new dimension in flavour that comes with evolution on a time axis and hints at the possibilities for those willing to invest in low temperature storage.
- Region: Kyoto
- Classification: Junmai Kimoto
- %ALC/VOL: 13%
- Net Volume: 720ml
- Rice: Yamadanishiki from Akitsu region
- Rice Polishing Ratio: Undisclosed
- SMV (Sake Meter Value): Undisclosed
- Serve: Cold
- Matching Food: Scampi; Pearl Meat; Sweet Prawn; Scallop; Sashimi; White Fish Sushi; Fresh Vegetables – Salads and Lightly Steamed Selections; Poached Chicken.