A black tea liqueur from France. Big flavours of steeped black tea with date and fig notes are discovered in the bottle. It also contains a dark sugar sweetness
Recommended Spirits: Whisky, Cognac, Dark Rum, Aged Barley Shochu, Aged Brown Sugar Shochu, Aged Sweet Potato Shochu, Tequila Reposado
Recommended Cocktails: Rosita, Rob Roy, Right Hand, Boulevardier, Old Fashioned
Recipe example:
45ml Mild Scotch Whisky (Sherry Cask finish)
15ml Jossie Tea Liqueur Mate, 10ml Cynar,
10ml Amontillado Sherry, 3 dashes Cacao Bitters,
Stirred / Coupe - Region:
- Classification: Tea Liqueur
- %ALC/VOL: 20%
- Net Volume: 700ml