Hailing from the coastal city of Akita in Northern Japan, and named for the city itself, Akita Saké Brewery have spent over a century honing and refining their traditional brewing using methods like long-term, low temperature fermentation, to create a pure liquor that offers a light, dry and smooth taste on the palate. Brewed using Gin No Sei rice, Junmaishu Akitabare features a crisp spiciness, along with a refreshing acidity and sharpness. Best served chilled, this Junmaishu is an ideal complement for seafood dishes, vegetables and tempura.
- Brewery: AKITA SHUZO
- Region: Akita
- Classification: Junmai
- %ALC/VOL: 15%
- Net Volume: 720ml
- Rice: Gin No Sei
- Rice Polishing Ratio: 65%
- SMV (Sake Meter Value): +15
- Serve: Chilled
- Matching Food: Seafood | Vegetarian | Tempura